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Home Improvement Promotions Made Easy

Home Improvement Promotion Ideas: Essential Steps

Home Improvement Purchase Incentives

While many home and business owners throughout North America may want to invest in air conditioning or some other home improvement product, they can be hesitant when it comes time to actually buy. But with the right incentive, you may be able to secure that ever-precious sale.

Over the past two decades, Odenza has worked with a wide range of Home Improvement companies including HVAC, Roofing, Flooring, Renovation businesses and more. Thanks to this enduring partnership and expertise, it means we know exactly which type of travel incentives can generate more sales and customers for you. As businesses’ number 1 choice when it comes to travel incentives, you can rest assured we’re well-versed on the incredible value offered by travel incentives.

For your business, these incentives can be used to run unique and eye-catching promotions. Imagine a summer sale where, along with an air conditioner to keep them cool in the summer, your customers could also score a tropical cruise to get away from the cold when winter rolls around. Not a bad deal, right?

Of course, there are plenty of other ways you can implement promotions into your sales strategy. Say, for example, you’re providing a quote for a home or business owner. Chances are you’re not the only HVAC provider doing so. Consumers are savvy and will seek out the very best deal they can possibly get their hands on. In the event they’ve narrowed down their list of quotes to the top three – yours and quotes from two of your competitors – what will give you the edge?

Imagine leaving your quote with your prospective customer, but it also includes a booklet that tells them about a luxurious 5-day cruise they could get just for going with you. If the other key area of difference between you and your competitors is a minor discrepancy in price, that 5-day cruise can speak volumes. It stands out and sparks the imagination of your prospective customer. On a more basic level, it’s just a great deal!

How to Use Travel Incentives

Along with providing you with great incentive packages to score more sales, Odenza also offers full ongoing support. Not only do we provide you with a wealth of marketing collateral to make your promotion stand out, we can also help you should you hit any bumps or dead-ends along the way.

Travel Incentives are a great marketing idea as customers remember their travel experience for years to come, and help to generate referrals and repeat business.

Our programs can be used in a NUMBER of different ways:

  • Use as a promotion in the spring or fall, prior to your slow season.
  • Give to your customers to say “THANKS” when they give you a referral. Remember, word
    of mouth is a critical component to every business, so encourage more of it.
  • Reward your Generals or Lead Contractors with tickets to sporting events or vacations
    for pennies on the dollar. Shhhh… don’t tell them what you paid.
  • Amp up your marketing with contests and giveaways to grow your customer list.

How do You Close More Quotes?

Itcan be challenging to close quotes when you are selling and marketing to the consumer market. For example, sites like Angie’s List and Houzz recommend that customers get at least 3 quotes – and the NAHB recommends 5 quotes! As a result, a prospective customer usually has two or more other quotes they’re considering besides yours.

In addition to utilizing an incentive offer, you need to ensure you promote offers prior to the start of your slow season. Typically, winter and spring promotions are well-timed to ensure your team will be busy installing and servicing during these otherwise slower-moving months.

In addition to posters, flyers, and other images for your marketing, you can utilize a “leave behind” piece to attach to your quote. Watch this video to see how it works.

Home Improvement Testimonials


Hunter Heat & Air in Ardmore, OK

“The trips helped to create a sense of urgency for customers to buy now instead of waiting, and we were able to close more deals in March this year compared to last year, probably at least a 10% increase in sales.”

Read Full Case Study


Furnace King in Mississauga, ON

“We used Odenza’s travel certificates to gain a competitive edge in our market. We wanted to come up with a promotion that would differentiate us from other contractors and ultimately increase our sales.”

Read Full Case Study

Leave Behind Piece

We’ve designed this leave behind piece for your sales staff to use when they’re offering estimates to customers. This leave behind piece will help you secure more sales! We also offer a variety of other FREE marketing materials including Posters, Balloons, Window Decals, Tent Cards, and Price Tags.



Media Gallery

Check out our gallery of Newspaper ads, TV ads, Radio ads for some inspiration that you can use for your own campaign. When you’re ready to design your own creative you can access our download images section.

Marketing Support

If you’re interested, rest assured Odenza is here to help. We offer ongoing marketing support throughout the entire promotion. Whether you need to ask us questions, hit an unexpected problem, or just need some additional marketing collateral, Odenza has got you covered. Please fill out the form below if you would like more info regarding our incentive programs or require marketing support.

For more information about how Odenza can help you increase sales through an inexpensive and cost effective travel incentive program Please call 1-866-883-2968.